Wednesday 4 July 2007

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise! Great actor, interviewee and teeth. I decided to post this as a general representation of where I am now in terms of drawing ability. As you can see, I'm getting there, but I'm no guru yet - and I never feel satisfied with my work, but that's just part of drawing.

Hopefully this will be an incentive for you non-believers! Drawing is a skill such as driving or riding a bike. Being artistically creative is another matter entirely. It is possible to teach one how to draw correctly, but not how to paint a masterpiece; the former being much more straighforward than you might believe.

Yes, believe it or not (you better!), but learning to draw is no more difficult than learning any other skill. This does not imply that it is easy, it just means that learning to draw well is within the reach of anyone that perseveres.

I'm confident saying this because I've been able to increase my skillset considreably - and if I can.. well then so can you :D.

Perseverence implies a certain amount of "work" - but progress was quick for me, and the rewards plentiful, I promise. Regard it as a hobby, and it will reward you so - I was certainly.

The first time someone saw one of my paintings and said, "Hey that's Keira Knightly!", I became quite teary.. Well, I was quite pleased at least. Many of the techniques involved in learning how to draw focus on seeing things as they are.

If you ask any artist how do they draw so well, nine times out of ten they'll respond (rather unhelpfully) - "I just draw what I see..". But that's the catch, drawing is all about drawing what you see, not what you think you see.

If you can write legibly, you possess all the motor functions you need, and your ready to start learning! That'll be the next post then. Sorry if you read this far expecting something more than a pep-talk! :D

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